Sunday, March 21, 2010

Our Married Couples' Sunday School Class

Back in October of last year, my husband and I, along with another youngish couple in our church, started a new Sunday School class for married couples with school-aged children.

We visited hard and started out with a bang; I think we had six or seven couples the first Sunday.  We are really enjoying the class and all of the activities that have brought our families closer.

When we moved to this area 4 1/2 years ago and joined my husband's home church, there were very few young couples/families.  As far as I can remember, there was one couple with two children (the couple that joined us in starting this class) and one other newlywed couple who, at that time, had no children.  Now they are expecting #2 and are in the class as well.

It was difficult not having many friends at church our age and knowing that our young children did not have a lot of potential friends either, since we homeschool.  We really developed a burden to reach young families, and our pastor was and is behind us 100%.

Before starting the class, my husband ordered some material from Dr. Jeff Owens that really helped us get off on the right foot:

We began the class with a 12 week series about marriage in general that covered love, children, a couple's relationship with God, etc.  Now my husband is teaching a detailed series about finances: tithing, debt, God's view on wealth, etc.  It has all been wonderful, and we've enjoyed many fellowship opportunities such as a Mexican luncheon, a progressive dinner, an awesome Christmas party, and several lunches after church on Sundays (we try to have one monthly). 

If you teach a couples class, belong to one, or have any ideas at all for us... we'd love for you to share!

(This is a goofy game we played one Sunday ~ the husband & wife have to quickly feed one another a banana!)

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