Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Homeschooling Aggravation

Homeschooling with several small children underfoot can be very... challenging at times.  My first course of action and general plan is to teach my 7 year old (2nd grader) and 5 year old (kindergartener) while the little ones are napping.  But those boogers are getting worse and worse about staggering their naps!  The 1 year old and sometimes the 2 year old just can't hold out until the after-lunch nap, but the 2-year old has outgrown taking two naps a day.  Sometimes I can't get the 3 year old to wind down at all!  What's a woman to do?!

We just have to do our best and use our creativity to our advantage.  Today we brought Language Arts and Math into the living room and gave the toddlers a clipboard and colored pencils to "do school" while we caught up with our trickiest subjects.  All the read-aloud stuff won't be quite as challenging, so we'll do it after lunch while everyone listens:  Bible, history, missionary story, chapter book, and the boys' readers.  Then we will satisfactorily call it a day! 

My 7 year old has been interested in Roman numerals lately, so I printed him a chart this morning that he's been using to make complicated math problems.  The 5 year old likes to draw in his notebook, and we will all mess around in the garden later this afternoon, if it warms up.  So goes the life of a homeschooling family!  Some days are easier than others, but my children do have wonderful opportunities to learn much more than just readin', writin', and 'rithmetic.  They started their morning helping me with stuffed French toast, housework, and laundry; and they got to earn some money for their "zoo jar," too.

Now they are jumping all over my bed, acting like a bunch of monkeys, while I try to update my blog!  So goes the life of a homeschooling family...

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