I posted yesterday about All You's Grocery Challenge, which I would *love* to win! The top prize is $1000 grocery store gift card, and I think that prize just rocks! It would last us about 2-3 months! Actually, I'd probably be tempted to splurge and just use it all in a month... but I'd have quite a nice stockpile, and we'd be eating good! :-)
I did find out that grocery purchases prior to June 20 don't count in the contest, so scratch the totals I posted yesterday. I'm still at $0.00 for now, according to the rules of the contest. Fortunately our garden is starting to produce pretty well, too, so that's more "free" food that we can still use in the contest.
Today's breakfast was cereal (Special K with Strawberries and Kashi GoLean Honey & Flax) for the kids, and my hubby made me and himself a ham & cheese omelette, which I ate with salsa! <3
Lunch was leftover spaghetti ("chunky garden style") from last night.
When everyone gets up from nap time in a little bit, we will polish off the "Fruity Banana Freeze" (I mixed plain yogurt, bananas, canned crushed pineapple, cherries, & pecans and froze it all ~ we thaw for 20 minutes before eating) and grapes.
My supper plan was *supposed* to be roasted leg quarters with leftover baked beans & potato salad... but I forgot to thaw the chicken. So, I am headed out to the garden in a little bit to dig some new potatoes and pick some green beans. I have some 100% beef patties that were on rollback at WalMart, and I'm going to make foil-packet-dinners with beef patties, onion slices, new potatoes, and green beans.
Any cheap, healthy, and creative meal ideas would be welcome!!
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