Monday, April 12, 2010

Finally Got the Carrots In

Well, according to my Clyde's Garden Planter, I should have planted my carrots on April 5.  I finally got them in on Saturday (the 10th), so that was much more "on time" than I have been with pretty much any other gardening project that I've accomplished this year!

(No, by the way, I wasn't leaning sideways when I snapped this photo.  We live on a very hilly lot, so we have to garden on a slope.)

When I pulled out my carrot and radish seeds, I was kind of irritated that 'someone' had gotten into my seed box and strewed cilantro and lettuce seed everywhere; so I came up with a revolutionary method that would probably make me a millionaire if I would package it up and market it craftily on the World Wide Web (but for all those 'special' people here who actually come to read anything I have to say, I'll let you see for free!):






You're welcome!

P.S.  We don't even like radishes, but I read that you should plant some radishes among your carrots (I don't even remember why ~ I think it repels some kind of bug?), so I just bought a cheapo pack of WalMart radish seeds for 20 cents to scatter among my carrots & squash.  I normally buy high quality heirloom seeds from Baker Creek; but we're not going to pull the radishes, so... who cares?!

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